If I Can't Dance, I Don't Want Your Revolution...

Monday 24 September 2007

Why Digital Radio?

Digital Radio is being rolled out across Australia in 2009. It is a new technology for this country and directly affects a very established media form. It will impact the broadcast and listening of music in our society. My Honours period of two years allows me to observe and speculate on the lead up to the introduction of Digital Radio. I feel that this extended period of time (study) provides for a greater and more meaningful approach to this topic. A study of Digital Radio needs to address a significant range of issues. How my research will eventually be directed is unknown at this point.

The fascinating aspect of Digital Radio in the terrestrial form is the issues that require coverage. These include politics, technology, socio/cultural, economic, global, geo, and creative issues. Convergence especially in the technology also exists in the topic. So, being able to research and address so many different areas is inspiring. Thus, it is far from a one-dimensional topic.

The fear that I have had to committing to this topic is that I have to produce a creative work, and I am not sure that one exists at this stage. Am I straying away from being an artist or will I somehow produce something that will just stun?

Anyway, time will tell how my project will unfold and how it will be directed.

Currently listening to:

Tuesday 18 September 2007

Six Months Ago I Started This Blog

...And for a variety of reasons have not updated it or done much study. In that time I got a part-time job that I like, turned 23, and procrastinated a lot. Also, I've spent about 2 months either sick or recovering from stuff (like the removal of my wisdom teeth). I've also done a bit of travelling (one of my favourite things to do), and I have a few more destinations to get to this year.

I have enjoyed saying to people that I am a part-time Honours student, but have been really fearful of committing to a topic. Daily, I have thoughts about my Honours. I haven't written all the thoughts down, but they exist. Recently, I wrote a very rusty essay and have continued to have thoughts about Honours and renewing my relationship with blogger.

Logic says that if I have written an essay, there must be a topic that exists somewhere. This is true, and the topic has existed since early this year. As mentioned earlier, I've been fearful of committing to this. This fear comes from wondering if it is indeed a genuine topic. I now believe that it is genuine, but believe I'm going to have be especially creative to make it work.

The topic for my Honours is "DIGITAL RADIO". My next post will examine my reasons for choosing this as a topic. Then I plan to use the blog as a tool for immersing myself in the said topic.

Currently listening to: